Healing justice is a concept that combines principles of social justice and healing practices to address and redress systemic oppression and trauma. It recognizes that individuals and communities who experience marginalization, discrimination, and violence often suffer from physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds.
Sankofa Healing Studio Is a therapy office that incorporates healing justice principles into its work. The term "Sankofa" comes from the Akan language of Ghana and means "to go back and get it." It is often symbolized by a bird reaching back to pick up an egg from its back. In the context of healing justice, Sankofa represents the importance of acknowledging and understanding historical and ancestral trauma as a way to heal and transform the present.
Sankofa Healing Studio Is committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment where individuals and communities can engage in various healing practices and methods. This may include traditional and alternative forms of therapy, counseling, bodywork, energy healing, meditation, art therapy, and more. Sankofa Healing Studio focuses on promoting healing, resilience, and empowerment, particularly for those who have been impacted by systemic oppression such as racism, sexism, ableism, or other forms of discrimination.
Through our programming and services, Sankofa Healing Studio seeks to address the root causes of trauma and create opportunities for individuals and communities to reclaim their well-being and power. It acknowledges that healing is not solely an individual journey but also a collective process that requires attention to systemic issues and social transformation.
Through our programming and services, Sankofa Healing Studio seeks to address the root causes of trauma and create opportunities for individuals and communities to reclaim their well-being and power. It acknowledges that healing is not solely an individual journey but also a collective process that requires attention to systemic issues and social transformation.
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